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  • Two individuals wearing masks, stand in front for a bright colored table, while they hold signs

    Easterseals Receives $25,000 Grant from Discover Bank

    Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore recently received a $25,000 grant through Discover Bank to support its Supported Employment program – a program that opens the door to meaningful work and competitive wages in the community for adults with intellectual disabilities, while providing employers with dedicated, productive employees.
  • Group of activists stands on the stairs at legislative hall, smiling to camera

    Easterseals Rallies at Leg Hall

    Easterseals was out in full force at the rally last week to support HB 104, the Michael McNesby Full Funding for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities. We are asking the State to keep its promise and approve $9 million in state funding as a first-year commitment to fully fund disability services.
  • group of participants hold up certificates for volunteerism

    Easterseals Participants Honored for Volunteering at Habitat for Humanity

    A group of participants from Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore’s day program for adults with intellectual disabilities recently received the “Community Partnership Group of the Year Award” for 2019 from Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore in New Castle County for having the most volunteer hours.
  • Child with Down Syndrome attends therapy

    Easterseals Introduces 2022 Walk With Me Salisbury Ambassador

    Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore is delighted to announce that Conor Pellinger, of Berlin, MD, will serve as this year’s ambassador for their inaugural “Walk With Me & 5K Fun Run Salisbury” event. It will be held on Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 9 a.m., at the Salisbury Elks Lodge #817 located at 401 Churchill Avenue, Salisbury, MD.
  • Woman with Down Syndrome wearing a Grottos Pizza Polo smiles at the camera

    Easterseals Introduces 2021 Volleyball Ambassador

    When most young adults graduate from high school, they typically know which direction they are going to head, whether it be attending college or jumping right into a job. When Mikayla graduated from high school, she and her mom, Michele, knew exactly where to turn and it was the place where she began many years before -- Easterseals!
  • Easterseals Receives Grant from Bank of America

    Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore announced that it has received a grant from Bank of America for its programs and services that benefit people with disabilities, seniors, veterans and their families.
  • Easterseals Receives Grant from Capital One

    Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore recently received a grant from Capital One to continue to support a financial empowerment program that benefits participants in Easterseals day programs for adults with physical and intellectual disabilities. The program is hosted virtually so all program participants and Capital One employee volunteers, who host the program, are able to participate in this interactive and fun class that supports the fundamentals of financial empowerment.
  • A child with a disability walks along a circular beam as a therapist assists him.

    Easterseals Receives Grant from Donnie Williams Foundation

    Recently, Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore received a $30,000 grant from the Donnie Williams Foundation to support their Children’s Therapy services in Salisbury, MD. The grant, which will be used to hire additional therapists, will help meet the overwhelming needs of children and families who are already receiving services as well as offer services to those waiting on the expansive waitlist.
  • Child with disability on a physical therapy swing with therapist pushing him.

    Easterseals Receives Grant from Donnie Williams Foundation

    Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore is excited to announce it has received a grant from the Donnie Williams Foundation to support their Children’s Therapy services in Salisbury, MD. The grant will help meet the overwhelming needs of children, like Conor Pellinger, and families who are already receiving services as well as offer services to those waiting on the expansive waitlist.
  • A group of individuals stand in front of a BBB backdrop. The man in the center is holding an award.

    Easterseals Receives BBB’s First Thrive Award for Community Impact

    Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore is proud to be the first recipient of the Better Business Bureau’s “Thrive Award for Community Impact”, an award to celebrate leaders that embrace diversity and inclusion in their business. Easterseals, a leading provider of services for people with disabilities, earned this award because of its dedication to reflect diversity in its workforce and service recipients, as well as its role in building a more inclusive work environment in businesses across the state through its Supported Employment Program.
  • A group of people with various disabilities all posing together

    Easterseals Delaware & Maryland's Eastern Shore Celebrates 75 Years

    An indispensable resource for the region, Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore is celebrating 75 years of creating an inclusive community for local children and adults with disabilities, seniors, and their families. Though early services focused solely on children’s therapy services, Easterseals has expanded over the years to meet the needs of adults with disabilities and seniors through innovative services to ensure they have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities.