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  • Child with Down Syndrome attends therapy

    Easterseals Introduces 2022 Walk With Me Salisbury Ambassador

    Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore is delighted to announce that Conor Pellinger, of Berlin, MD, will serve as this year’s ambassador for their inaugural “Walk With Me & 5K Fun Run Salisbury” event. It will be held on Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 9 a.m., at the Salisbury Elks Lodge #817 located at 401 Churchill Avenue, Salisbury, MD.
  • A group stands side by side posing for the camera. They are each holding a drawing of Camp Fairlee.

    Maryland Delegates Visit Easterseals Camp Fairlee

    Recently, Maryland Delegates Jay Jacobs, Stephen Arentz, and Sheree Sample-Hughes toured Easterseals Camp Fairlee outside of Chestertown, MD to view improvements made possible through their support of Maryland Bond Bill funding.
  • Easterseals Receives Grant from Longwood Foundation

    Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore announced that it has received a grant from the Longwood Foundation to offer children under the age of three with autism Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy.
  • Easterseals Receives Grant from the Welfare Foundation

    Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore announced that it has received a grant
    from the Welfare Foundation to offer children under the age of three with autism Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy. Easterseals was awarded this grant in the Welfare Foundation’s last grant cycle.
  • A child with a disability walks along a circular beam as a therapist assists him.

    Easterseals Receives Grant from Donnie Williams Foundation

    Recently, Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore received a $30,000 grant from the Donnie Williams Foundation to support their Children’s Therapy services in Salisbury, MD. The grant, which will be used to hire additional therapists, will help meet the overwhelming needs of children and families who are already receiving services as well as offer services to those waiting on the expansive waitlist.
  • Child with disability on a physical therapy swing with therapist pushing him.

    Easterseals Receives Grant from Donnie Williams Foundation

    Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore is excited to announce it has received a grant from the Donnie Williams Foundation to support their Children’s Therapy services in Salisbury, MD. The grant will help meet the overwhelming needs of children, like Conor Pellinger, and families who are already receiving services as well as offer services to those waiting on the expansive waitlist.
  • Logo graphic showing Easterseals and Dupont

    Easterseals Receives Grant from DuPont to Help Support Autism Therapy Program

    Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore announced that it has received a grant from DuPont to purchase tools for intervention kits for children under the age of three with autism participating in their Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy. The grant will ensure that each child has their own kit with the consideration of not spreading the COVID virus.
  • Easterseals Named 2019 Bank of America Neighborhood Builders Awardee

    Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore announced that they were one of two organizations named as 2019 Bank of America Neighborhood Builders awardees for Delaware. The nonprofits were selected for their efforts to promote economic mobility through community revitalization and innovative services for children and adults with disabilities. Easterseals was chosen for their new Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy for children under the age of three with autism.
  • A man and a woman stand in front of Camp Fairlee Manor. They are smiling at the camera.

    Easterseals Honors Doanes With Volunteer Award

    For their leadership and dedication to improving the lives of people with disabilities, David and Jamie Doane, from Dagsboro, DE, will be presented with the Easterseals Drex Jones Volunteer Award at Easterseals 75th Anniversary Celebration on Thursday, October 19th, at the Chase Center in Wilmington, DE. Easterseals is a leading provider of services for children and adults with disabilities and their families in the region.
  • Two people stand in front of an Easterseals sign and hold up a check donation.

    Easterseals Celebrates 17 Years with "Hockey4Haxton"

    Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore celebrates a 17-year partnership with Hockey4Haxton, an event that raises money for Easterseals therapy services for people with disabilities in Sussex County. This year Ike Eisenhour, Executive Director of Delaware Shore Field Hockey, Inc., presented a $1000 check to Easterseals Community Relations Coordinator, Linda Forte.
  • Four men stand side by side in front of a large donor wall at Camp Fairlee. They are all wearing orange lanyards and smiling at the camera.

    Easterseals Camp Fairlee Recognizes Donors of CAMPaign Fairlee

    Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore recently recognized those who helped raise nearly $4.5 million to expand and modernize Easterseals Camp Fairlee in Chestertown, MD. A beautiful donor wall was dedicated and now hangs in the newly constructed Activity Center, which, not only welcomes families to the fully accessible camp but also allows Camp Fairlee to be a year-round resource of respite and recreation to families in the region.