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  • text that says Longwood foundation and the easterseals logo

    Easterseals Receives Grant from the Longwood Foundation

    Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore has received a grant from the Longwood Foundation to benefit two critical projects at Easterseals Camp Fairlee: replacing the aquatics area and adding a sensory-friendly cabin.
  • A group of people stand around a table displaying assistive swimming technology.

    South Jersey Robotics Donates Adaptive Pool Equipment to Easterseals

    Recently, Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore received a donation of “Swim Fins” designed by the “LUNATECS,” a team of students from the South Jersey Robotics' Adaptive Device Program. These adaptive tools attach to swimmers' arms to help propel campers with limited mobility so they can enjoy the pool at Easterseals Camp Fairlee.
  • A man with a disability is swimming in a pool with the assistance of his counselor

    Independence Found at Easterseals Camp Fairlee

    John Suggs is counting down the days until his 12-day adventure at Easterseals Camp Fairlee, and it is not hard to see why. For John, who is visually impaired and has Cerebral Palsy, camp means independence, new experiences, and friendship. For his parents, Lisa Dornell and Robert Suggs, it means a break from caregiving.
  • Stevie Georgetown

    Easterseals Introduces Walk With Me Delmarva Ambassador

    Easterseals Delaware & Maryland's Eastern Shore is delighted to announce that Steve "Stevie" Tull, of Seaford, DE, will serve as this year's ambassador for their annual "Walk With Me & 5K Run Delmarva" event. It will be held at 3:30 pm on Sunday, October 20, 2024, at Baywood Greens, 32267 Clubhouse Way, Long Neck, DE.
  • Young adult male with Down syndrome wearing a hat and several special Olympic medals standing next to he support specialist who is female with short black hair

    Easterseals Introduces 2024 Volleyball Challenge Ambassador

    Brian Perry, of Frederica, DE, is a world traveler, recently returning from Germany where he competed in the Special Olympics World Games as a swimming champion representing the United States. Meanwhile at home, his team at the café at Delaware State University, where he has worked for the last ten years through Easterseals’ Supported Employment program, was cheering him on.
  • A camp director and counselor sit on either side of a man with a disability at a Campground

    For Many, Camp Fairlee is Spelled “R-E-L-I-E-F”

    Mark is a loving, funny, happy person and happens to have autism. However, some of the behaviors associated with his autism, like repetition and a regimented schedule, can be exhausting and stressful for his parents, Tom and Sally. Luckily, for at least one week of the year, they get a break from caregiving and enjoy a full night’s sleep thanks to Easterseals Camp Fairlee.
  • A man with a disability in a swimming pool with his counselor

    Easterseals Camp Fairlee is a Vacation for Campers and Their Families

    Tina was reluctant to leave her youngest son, Kyle, for the first time at Easterseals Camp Fairlee. Thanks to some gentle nudging from her daughter-in-law, she was finally persuaded to give it a chance. All that worry went away as soon as she opened the car door and saw Kyle’s smiling face.
  • Easterseals Kicks Off Capital Campaign for Camp Fairlee

    Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore is proud to announce the public launch of a $4.5 million capital campaign for Camp Fairlee, the region’s only residential camp offering children and adults with disabilities a safe and accessible camp experience year-round. “CAMPaign Fairlee” allows Camp Fairlee to serve more individuals and families that depend on its services.
  • A group stands side by side posing for the camera. They are each holding a drawing of Camp Fairlee.

    Maryland Delegates Visit Easterseals Camp Fairlee

    Recently, Maryland Delegates Jay Jacobs, Stephen Arentz, and Sheree Sample-Hughes toured Easterseals Camp Fairlee outside of Chestertown, MD to view improvements made possible through their support of Maryland Bond Bill funding.
  • Easterseals Receives Grant from Capital One

    Easterseals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore recently received a grant from Capital One to continue to support a financial empowerment program that benefits participants in Easterseals day programs for adults with physical and intellectual disabilities. The program is hosted virtually so all program participants and Capital One employee volunteers, who host the program, are able to participate in this interactive and fun class that supports the fundamentals of financial empowerment.
  • A man and a woman stand in front of Camp Fairlee Manor. They are smiling at the camera.

    Easterseals Honors Doanes With Volunteer Award

    For their leadership and dedication to improving the lives of people with disabilities, David and Jamie Doane, from Dagsboro, DE, will be presented with the Easterseals Drex Jones Volunteer Award at Easterseals 75th Anniversary Celebration on Thursday, October 19th, at the Chase Center in Wilmington, DE. Easterseals is a leading provider of services for children and adults with disabilities and their families in the region.