Easterseals offers a variety of day program services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including autism. Services are provided in New Castle, Kent, and Sussex Counties in Delaware and include Life Skills programs, Pre-Vocational services, and Supported Employment options. The same basic service array is available in each county with some local differences. Delaware's Division of Developmental Disabilities Services (DDDS) sponsors virtually all program participants. A few individuals receive services through private fee arrangements. View the brochure here.
Life Skills Program
A Life Skills program is offered in all three counties. Easterseals facilities offer a safe, respectful, and inviting atmosphere in which participants are assisted in identifying personal goals and choices of activities based on individual preference. A range of personal care supports are provided as needed. Computers with specialized adaptations are available for participant use at each location. Participants are engaged in frequent community activities, promoting growth in all areas of personal independence.
Easterseals Pre-Vocational Services are ideal for adults who like variety and seek opportunities in the community while expanding individual skills to work toward employment. Community opportunities encompass work-based learning, volunteer opportunities, and recreation & leisure activities.
Easterseals assists individuals who want to secure and/or maintain employment. Participants can choose between individual and group employment. An assessment is completed of each person's interests, skills, and knowledge as applicable to the workplace. People are matched with competitive wage jobs and community employers. On-going Easterseals supports are maintained indefinitely to maintain successful employment. Supported Employment services are offered in all three Delaware counties.
Group Supported Employment (GSE) provides a competitive, Easterseals-supervised employment option for individuals in the community. Groups of up to eight participants work with an Easterseals staff member in a variety of jobs. Ongoing development of general work skills and habits are core components of these services. Easterseals supports are faded over time to prepare individuals for individual employment opportunities.
Individual Supported Employment (ISE) assists individuals in securing and maintaining competitive community employment. Services include assessment, placement, intensive training, and follow-along on the job. Easterseals supports are faded over a limited period of time as individuals become independent and natural supports in the work setting are identified. Once employment is stable, ongoing support and training to the individual and employer are designed to maintain successful employment.
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